Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Political Ideologies

D. Sokolova 28/09/2011 On the topic of â€Å"Political Ideology† (Heywood 2003, p. 5) states: † ‘Ideology’ is consider a particular type of political thought, distinct from, say, political science or political philosophy. † Ideology is a set of views and ideas that provides the theoretical basis to organize and rule community life, establish values, habits and perspectives. It demands the certain methods to be used for solving different social problems. As (MacKenzie, et al. 1994, p. 1) have noted, ideology † provides both an account of existing social and political relations and blueprint of how these relation ought to be organized. Beyond this general definition, however, the concept of ideology is notoriously difficult to get to grips with. It is loaded with a wide range of possible meanings, many of which are contradictory. † † The word ideology was coined during the French Revolution by Antoine Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836) , and was first used in public in 1796. For de Tracy, ideologue referred to a new ‘science of ideas', literally an idea-ology. † (Heywood 2003, p. 6) De Tracy tried to find moral, ethic and political phenomena of basic consciousness and offer a logical explanation under one concept. For Marx and Engels ‘ideology' (MacKenzie, et al. 994, p. 5) † is the role of changing historical conditions that is fundamental to the formation of ideas. † Rather, French philosopher Louis Pierre Althusser (MacKenzie, et al. 1994, p. 16) † insists upon the strict separation of ideology and science. Arguing against the traditional relationship between ideology an d truth†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He affirms that † ideology is the ‘cement' that binds human societies together. † An Australian political theorist Minogue have noticed, that ideologies (MacKenzie,et al. 1994, p. 4) † create the false expectation in people's minds that a perfect world is ultimately attainable. From this point of view,† ideologies are seen as abstract system of thought, sets on ideas that are destined to simplify and distort social reality because they claim to explain what is, frankly, incomprehensible. † The foremost modern exponent of this view was the British political philosopher Michael Oakeshott (1901-90)† , who has issued guideline, that † Ideology is thus equated with dogmatism : fixed on doctrinaire beliefs, that are divorced from the complexities of the real world. † (Heywood 2003, p. 10) † The birth of political ideologies can be traced back to the processes thought which the modern world came into existenc e. The process of modernization had social, political and cultural dimension. Socially, it was linked to the emergence of increasingly market-orientated and capitalist economies, dominated by new social classes, the middle class and the working class. Politically, it involved the replacement of monarchical absolutism by the advance of constitutional and, in due course, democratic government. Culturally, it took the form of spread of Enlightenment ideas and views, which challenged traditional beliefs in religion, politics and learning in general, based upon a commitment to the principles of reason and progress. The ‘core' political ideologies, the ones out of which later ideologies emerged or developed in opposition to – liberalism, conservatism and socialism – reflected contrasting responses to the process of modernization. † (Heywood 2003,p. 21- 22) Main features distinguished them from each other are the following: Liberals, particularly during the Cold War period, have viewed ideology as an officially sanctioned belief system that claims a monopoly of truth, often through a spurious claim to be scientific. Ideology is therefore inherently repressive, even totalitarian. Conservatives have traditionally regarded ideology as manifestation of the arrogance of rationalism. Ideologies are elaborate system of thought that are dangerous or unreliable because, being abstracted from reality, they establish principles and goals that lead to repression or are simply unachievable. Socialists, following Marx, have seen ideology as a body of ideas that conceal the contradictions of class society, thereby promoting false consciousness and political passivity amongst subordinate classes†¦ Later Marxist adopted neutral concept of ideology, regarding it as the distinctive ideas of any social class, including the working class. Fascist are often dismissive of ideology as an over-systematic, dry and intellectualized form of political understanding that is based on mere reason rather than passion and the will. The Nazis preferred to portray their own ideas as a Weltanschaung or ‘world view', not as systematic philosophy. Ecologists have tended to regard al conventional political doctrines as part of super-ideology of industrialism. Ideology is thus tainted by its association with arrogant humanism and growth-orientated economics-liberalism and socialism being its most obvious examples. Religious fundamentalists have treated key religious texts as ideology, on the grounds that, by expressing the revealed world of God, they provide a programme for comprehensive social reconstruction. (Heywood 2003, p. 15) It is recognizable, that the theory of ideology still has many different features. This view has been supported in the (Eccleshall 1984, p. 23) saying that â€Å"Ideology is the realm in which people clarify and justify their actions as they pursue divergent interests. † However, â€Å".. there is no settle or agreed definition of the term, only a collection of rival definitions. As David McLellan (1995) put it, ‘Ideology is the most elusive concept in the whole of social science'. † (Heywood 2003, p. 5) Bibliography 1. Heywood Andrew. Political ideologies: An introduction. 3rd edition. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. 2. Eccleshall Robert, Geoghegan Vincent, Jay Richard, Kenny Michael, MacKenzie Iain and Wilford Rick. Political Ideologies: An introduction. 2nd edition. London: Routledge, 1994. 3. Eccleshall Robert, Geoghegan Vincent, Jay Richard and Rick Wilford. Political Ideologies: An Introduction Great Britain: Essex, 1984.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History 1920’s Essay

America went through many social changes with the American Revolution and industrial revolution. During the 1920’s, the face of America began to change more into an urban society. Many differences between the rural and urban sides of America emerged. Historians consider the tensions of the 1920s as a backlash against the rising urban America, which turns out true. Rural people believed that the city lacked morals. The urban city dwellers lashed back saying that rural residents did not understand the technology of modern times. In the 1920s, for the first time in American history, more people lived in cities rather than the countryside. People living in the more rural parts of America saw the urban lifestyle as a threat to traditionally shared value. The cities, a haven for political corruption and distraction, had much more alcohol and prostitution problems than their countryside counterparts did. With the rise of Hollywood and films, people found an escape from their routine life and went to see movies that portrayed what it really meant to live the American dream. However, the rural side of the country stuck to the old ways of agriculture life as the struggle between old and new still went on. With the rise in media also came an increase of cultural battles. The media brought about a revolution of morals since many urban Americas saw the changes in media and lifestyle as liberation from the old countryside Victorian past. Granted, the rural Americans did not see it this way. They felt that American had begun to change in sinful ways and that the ethicality of America had begun to decay. Many people in the countryside also resented the amount of immigrants coming into America. As a result, the Klu Klux Klan revived and revolted against the immigrants, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, and any modern or progressive movement. Located mostly in the rural parts of America, the Klu Klux Klan greatly showed their discontent with the modern American lifestyle. The South showed their animosity towards the foreigners and Blacks through discrimination and racism. However, none of this stopped the urban rise of America that the country would soon have to accept.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Applied Business Ethics

Human beings have for a long time been faced with the plague of making the right decision. In each and every day, the business world lives around making decisions and for most of them, making the right one needs one to be thoughtful and considerations while others have no conscious in thinking through a decision. Hospitality, an industry I would really like to join as a future profession is like any other business that is profit driven. In Singapore, in the efforts to increase the profits in the industry and to increase the revenues, the government was at one time seen to settle on decisions that came with a lot of ethical issues in societies. Ethical issues in the hospitality industry have been experienced mostly in the cruise ships engaging in casinos and gambling where the government of Singapore legitimized the gambling as a business like other businesses. In as much as the cruise ship might be having a beneficial advantage to the country, by generating income to and adding up to the economy in Singapore, it is quite unfortunate that it discharges bilge water, sewerage and other waste to the water a few miles from the coast. Such activities are never regulated and they may be a great danger especially to the fishing industry as the waste and other discharge from the ship may cause a massive death of fish (Lo, 2005). Many stakeholders are naturally concerned that these wastes might cause negative impacts to the environment but then, they might not want to interfere and disturb revenue generating business and a part of the Singapore’s economy. The profit that is enjoyed from the cruise ships does not mean that the directors and other staff should be less ethical. Clearly, a company can be profitable and at the same time reducing the ethical issues through integrity (Balfour, 2006). In the process of using integrity, ethics would be prevailing and the right choices would be made. In the same cruise ships in Singapore, one of the businesses carrying the order of the day is gambling. In as much as casino gaming may seem to be a business like others, it is surrounded with many ethical issues. People engaging in gambling are prone to addiction to the game, might have tribal issues and others may be forced into organized crimes and suicide. While others may find their ways into gaming casinos for business and fun, others might take the opportunity to organized crimes; others may be tempted to commit suicide after losing a lot of money and property as others get addicted to the game. It thus leaves questions as to why the government could just decide to legalize gaming considering it come along with many ethical issues (Grinols & Mustard, 2006).   The aspect of being right or wrong appears to differ from culture to culture although the defending fact is about a person’s behavior. An example is the principle of utilitarianism where it is about the good deeds for many people. Singapore is well recognized as one of the governments that are least corrupts different from many countries where corruption has turned to be a plague in the government (Walker & Jackson, 2007). Many corporate agencies are full of corrupt administrators and governments are full of graft and bribes and as such people might not question a government running a country being ethical. Singapore, after its government announced that they will be legalizing gambling and allowing the construction of mega resorts with gaming facilities, it appeared that the country was thrown in a debating field about the implications that could come along with the decision. Questions are thus rising on how ethical or unethical the governments are becoming and the implication s of the decisions made by these governments to allow building of casinos and the operations of the cruise ship (Lim, 2005). The government of Singapore came out to defend its decision to legitimize the integrated resorts claiming that the gambling and all the games in the casinos can be considered a form of entertainment and a worthy investment. Also, they based their justification on economic situations where they had to import some of the raw materials used in building the casinos and as a result, enhancing business relationships with other countries. Another major reason the government gave for legalizing the gambling was that the revenue of the country was falling and it was because many of their citizens were travelling to other states to gamble. One may look at it that the government of Singapore may have wanted to tap into its revenue to prevent the money from being spent out of the country (Banks, 2002). Tourism was also another reason that saw the government allow the construction of the casinos and the operation of the cruise ship. The decision by the country was seen to be aiming at increasing the demands for and the motivation of the tourists to the island state. The government also based its decision of the fact that Singapore appears to the third least corrupt states making their probability to attract many tourists around the world high. It was also anticipated that the casino would be a great opening of many employment opportunities (Sim, 2010).   One of the ethical issues surrounding the casino and gambling business is the organized crimes taking place in these places. Crime is one of the factors that the anti-casino movements were seen to argue that will increase as a result of the legalization of the business. In other countries, there have been witnessed cases of assassinations around the casinos where the people gambling in these casinos seem not to be satisfied with the fact that they lose their money or property and thus, organize an assassination of their opponents (Garret, 2004). Before the government had legalized the casinos and gambling in Singapore, there were many forces and arguments for and against the case. Different people had different views concerning casino gaming where a group believed in the ethical part of casinos while others defended their opposition on grounds of the unethical parts causing an ethical dilemma in the case (Toneatto, Ferguson & Brennan, 2003). From the beginning, the policy makers in the country had acknowledged the possible negative externalities and gave an assurance that these would be controlled through different measures that were put in place. The government passed the casino control act that issued the license to build the two integrated resorts with casinos in them.   There are also statutory boards that were developed to limit the social impacts of the casino gambling and the state has been very strict in the act by progressively tightening the rules over time. There are exclusion measures and limits of visits to th e casino. The exclusion measures are seen to bar people from entering the casino while the limits of visits puts barriers on the number of visits a person can visit the casino, and that being imposed on registered members (Grinols, 2004). Another measure is on the people operating the casino where they are not allowed to accept credit cards from the local residents and they are as well not permitted to extend credit to the local visitors. In any case the operators appear to breach the regulations; they are to face some disciplinary actions including the imposition of fines, suspension or even termination of their licenses (Werker, 2007). Ever since the casinos in Singapore started working, the regulations governing them have been tightened progressively. The issue of addiction was to be sorted through the enrollment of education programs to through family service centers and community development councils. These bodies were to give gambling addiction information to the public and also trained the staff on the compulsive gambling and how to provide basic counseling to the gamblers (Anderson, 2005).     However, the government should have applied the consequentialism theory with the approach of ethics. The consequential approach emphasizes that an ethical morality is a contingent on the action outcome or its consequence. Therefore, any right ethical actions should produce a positive result (Walker & Jackson, 2007). The positive result should outweigh the negative outcome. The casino ACT mainly focused on the local residence hence benefiting them more than the residents. In conjunction with the shareholder's theory, the responsibility of the casino was to raise profits to the shareholders and benefit the residents positively. According to Banks (2002). Understanding the theories of justice comes from the business ethics. However, it has a political aspect due to the control of businesses by the government involvement. The government of Singapore defends its decision to legitimize the integrated resorts claiming that the gambling and all the games in the casinos can also be considered a form of entertainment. The claim is based on the economic conditions and the claim that purchasing of raw materials from other countries will support their relationships. The theory of justice mainly focuses on the creation of liberties equalization hence creating strong friendships and happiness between the other countries with a mutual benefit.   In each and every day, the business world lives around making decisions and for most of them, making the right one needs one to be thoughtful and considerations while others have no conscious in thinking through a decision. In as much as the cruise ship might be having a beneficial advantage to the country, by generating income to and adding up to the economy in Singapore, it is quite unfortunate that it discharges bilge water, sewerage and other waste to the water a few miles from the coast. Many corporate agencies are full of corrupt administrators and governments are full of graft and bribes and as such people might not question a government running a country being ethical. Singapore, after its government announced that they will be legalizing gambling and allowing the construction of mega resorts with gaming facilities, it appeared that the country was thrown in a debating field about the implications that could come along with the decision. The government passed the casino contr ol act that issued the license to build the two integrated resorts with casinos in them.   There are also statutory boards that were developed to limit the social impacts of the casino gambling and the state has been very strict in the act by progressively tightening the rules over time.   Anderson, J. E., (2005). Casino taxation in the United States. National Tax Journal, 58(2), 303–  Ã‚   324. Retrieved from Balfour, F. (2006). Macau gaming: Shady past, rosy future. BusinessWeek Online, pp. 6. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Banks, G. (2002). The Productivity Commission’s gambling inquiry: 3 years on. Presentation to    the 12th Annual Conference of the National Association for Gambling Studies, Melbourne, Productivity Commission, Canberra. Retrieved from Garret, T.A. (2004). Casino gaming and employment trends. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 86(1), pp. 9-22. Retrieved from Grinols, E.L. (2004). Gambling in America; Costs and benefits. The Press Syndicate of the University of   Cambridge, The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Kingdom. Grinols, E.L., & Mustard, D.B. (2006). Casinos, crime, and community costs. The Review of Economics   and Statistics. 88(1), 28-45. Retrieved from Lim, H. K. (2005). Comment by Minster for Trade & Industry Lim Hng Kiang.Ministerial    Speeches & Comments. Retrieved from Ministry of Trade and IndustrySingapore website: Lo, S. H. (2005). Casino politics, organized crime and the post-colonial state in Macau. Journal of Contemporary China, 14(43), 207-224. doi:10.1080/10670560500065454. Sim, A. (2010). Singapore already reaping benefits from IRs: Economist. Retrieved from Toneatto, T., Ferguson, D., & Brennan, J. (2003). Effect of a new casino on problem gambling in treatment-seeking substance abusers. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 48(1), 40.Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Walker, D., & Jackson, J. (2007). Do casinos cause economic growth? American Journal of Economics & Sociology, 66(3), 593-607. doi:10.1111/j.1536-7150.2007.00528.x. Werker, E. (2007). Company town: Fixing corrupt governments. Harvard Business School,   Working Knowledge, Retrieved from

Solar Energy Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Solar Energy Systems - Research Paper Example The available fossil fuel stocks are believed to be sufficient enough for thirty or forty years more if the consumptions continues in the present rate. Even though explorations are going on for finding out new fossil fuels sources, the outcomes are not much encouraging. In short, it is necessary for the mankind to identify alternate energy sources which are capable of replacing fossil fuels. Even though plenty of energy sources are in discussion for future use, all of them have some kind of drawbacks. The recent tsunami attack on Japan’s nuclear power stations and the subsequent problems raised many questions about the logic of relying heavily on nuclear power in future. Solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power etc are some of the other energy sources which are discussed at present as future energy source. However, solar energy seems to be alternate option in future when we consider its renewable nature. Chapo (2004) mentioned that â€Å"On a smaller scale, there are solar panel packs that fold out like a small ledger and are used to power up anything from laptops to cell phones† (Chapo). One of the most difficult problems associated with the utilization of solar energy is the problems in converting solar energy into other forms of useful energy. The current solar energy conversion technologies are extremely poor and therefore we can use it only for purposes like boiling water and in solar devices such as calculators, watches etc. In other words, the available technologies to convert solar energy into useful forms of energy are expensive now. This paper analyses different topics related to Solar Energy Systems. A solar collector consists of a network of pipes through which water (or in colder climates, antifreeze) is heated. Collectors come in various sizes, with 4 by 8 feet (1.2 x 2.4 m) the most common. The three most common mounting systems for solar

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Benjamin Franklin Autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Benjamin Franklin Autobiography - Essay Example To demonstrate his desire to improve in his life, Franklin opposed his brother’s constant quarrel and moved to New York before moving Philadelphia in 1923. His decision to move out of his brother’s business was facilitated by his strong desire to be independent in his self improvement agenda. Franklin relied much on the printing skill he acquired while working in his brother’s business and in his new job in Philadelphia. Benjamin Franklin’s reputable performance and his personal desire for self improvement in Philadelphia attracted Governor Keith who persuaded him to go to London and establish himself independently. Keith advised him to assist him in his businesses and also in publishing â€Å"Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain†. The other way Franklin demonstrated his self development is by moving from the governor’s business and opting to start a business with Huh Meredith. In his new established printing office, Frank lin became an editor and proprietor of the â€Å"Pennsylvania Gazette† and the common â€Å"Nature and Necessity of a paper Currency† (Charles, 1909). Motivated by his desire for self development and a craving for assisting others in pursuit of self development, Benjamin Franklin published his commonly known â€Å"Poor Richard Almanac† article in 1732 (Charles, 1909). This was a composition which consisted words of wisdom explaining how an individual can acquire self development. This composition tremendously increased his reputation all over Europe. The printing of the most famous piece of literature known in colonial America â€Å"Father Abraham’s Sermon† in 1758 also demonstrated his commitment toward self development. In the same year (1758), Benjamin Franklin embarked on promoting public affairs with the aim of improving his popularity as well as facilitating his personal development. To popularize his image in public domain, Franklin establis hed an academy scheme which was later developed into the University of Pennsylvania. With an aim of establishing an avenue for communicating his scientific discovery, Benjamin founded an â€Å"American Philosophical Society†. Franklin relied on his new society in conducting and communicating his electrical researches progress. His decision to sell his business in 1748 to get leisure time for his study was another way in which Franklin demonstrated his intention for self development. At this time, Franklin was aware that education was among the most appropriate way which can facilitate his self development. During this time, Franklin had acquired substantial amount of wealth. At the same time, Franklin has made several discoveries which gave him adequate reputation thorough out Europe (Charles, 1909).To some extent, Benjamin Franklin was successful in his attempt. In his endeavor to acquire self development and become a public image, Benjamin set a scheme of academy which late r developed to the famous University of Pennsylvania. In 1748, Benjamin also attained self development through acquiring substantial amount of wealth which enabled him to continue with his education. In the same year, Benjamin had conducted extensive research and discovery which improved his public reputation. Benjamin also developed politically through conducting various popular reforms such as reforms in postal systems. His personal effort enabled him to hold several senior political and state positions (Charles, 1909). There were several factors that motivated Benjamin Franklin attempt of self development. To start with,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Acceleration - Mass over a pulley Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Acceleration - Mass over a pulley - Lab Report Example Newton’s second law motion, which one of these essential laws, can be stated mathematically as: F=ma (Shukla). This means that acceleration (a) of a moving object is directly proportional to applied force (F) and inversely proportional to the mass of the body (m) (Shukla). This acceleration is parallel and is in the direction of the net applied force. This experiment investigated Newton’s Second Law of Motion. i. This equation shows that provided that the mass of the body is constant, acceleration (a) of the body is directly proportional to the force applied (F). For Newton’s low to be valid the acceleration must take place in the direction of force, and must be parallel to it (Shipman). It is normally not easy to measure acceleration directly in experiments; therefore, an indirect method is used. In this case travel distances (x) and travel times (t) may be used. These times and distances can be used to calculate acceleration directly, or velocities (initial and final velocities) may be first calculated (Shipman). The velocities may finally be used to calculate acceleration. Therefore, For test 1, the experiment was set up as shown in the diagram above, but without the photogates. The direction of motion of the body M was noted. For both test 2 and test 3 photogates were installed, and were used to measure time taken (t) to travel the distance x. For test 2, the mass of the object (M) was kept constant while the suspended mass (F) varied using five different masses (50g, 75g, 100g, 125g, and 150g). For each suspended mass (F), the procedure was repeated for five different distances (20cm, 30cm, 40cm, 50cm and 60cm). Time taken to travel each distance xi for each mass was noted and recorded in the worksheet. For test 3, the suspended mass (F) was kept constant (75g) while the mass of the body (M) was varied; masses 500g, 750g, 1000g, 1250g and 1575g were used. For each mass, the procedure was repeated for five different

Friday, July 26, 2019

HSBC Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

HSBC Plc - Essay Example rce capability, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services: personal, commercial, corporate, investment and private banking; trade services; cash management; treasury and capital markets services; insurance; consumer and business finance; pension and investment and management; trustee services; and securities and custody services. financial services in 83 countries and territories. It provides its customers with a wide range of banking and other financial services, selected to complement its strategy in each market. Where HSBC enjoys large scale – or, in the case of emerging markets, where scale can be built – it offer a full range of personal financial products. In other markets, it participates more selectively, meeting the needs of customers with strong international connections. Sometimes it innovates and at other times, it relaunches some products as per the need of the market. HSBC has adopted a unified brand, using HSBC and its hexagon symbol nearly everywhere it operates, with the aim of enhancing recognition of the Group and its values by customers, shareholders and staff throughout the world. The branding initiative allowed HSBC to develop new services and products on a worldwide scale, all bearing the Group’s identity. Since 2002, the HSBC identity has carried the strap line â €˜the world’s local bank’ emphasising the Group’s experience and understanding of a great variety of markets and cultures. HSBC follows the Product Invention Strategy(Kotler,422) . This means that either it develops new products or reintroduces earlier product forms and promotion does not change. It could be diagramatically represented as follows: Managing for Growth Strategy: This strategy provides HSBC with a blueprint for organic growth and development. This strategy was launched in 2003 and would continue up to 2008. The plan aims at guiding the Group to achieve management’s vision to be the world’s leading financial services company. The company

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Movie Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Movie - Research Paper Example He used to fax letters for the warden as well as the other staff. Before coming to prison, he was an honest man. After coming to prison, he gave financial ideas to staff and warden that were not legal, but would make them rich. He also made different plans to make the warden a millionaire in just few years. After more than a decade in prison, a new young boy ‘Tommy’ came to Shawshank. Andy started teaching him. One day Tommy found out the reason for Andy’s imprisonment, and told him that he had met the real murderer of Andy’s wife and lover. Andy tried to convince the Warden that Tommy could help him out of the prison. To this warden got afraid that he would get caught for ill practices if Andy was released, so he got Tommy killed. RED: Red was a popular and old inmate in Shawshank. He used to smuggle cigarettes, wines bottles, or anything for anyone into the prison. He was a sales man for the prison. He was a good friend of Andy. He was the one who made Andy get hold of a rock hammer, which helped him in creating a tunnel in the wall. Red lived in Shawshank for 40 years. After every decade, he tried to explain the lawyers that he is a changed man, but to no avail, until 40 years has passed in prison. He was hopeless. But one day, finally he was released. 3) When Andy told Warden, Tommy’s evidence in his favor, and staff ill treated him and kept him in solitary confinement. International standards do not allow the staff to send any prisoner to dark

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Critical Reflection of Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Critical Reflection of Learning - Essay Example Secondly in this area, instructors have been shown as the real professionals and experts who administer the skills to learners as a way of passing knowledge from one generation to another. It is in this group that professionalism and integrity should be stressed so as to ensure that right and correct curriculum and procedure is followed. The government of the day is a unique figure in the propagation of knowledge in the country. They formulate policies that will improve the delivery of knowledge in academic excellence. They depend on learning centers and organizations so as to produce sufficient and qualified personnel which will carry on the nation in the coming generations. It is with this great interest and dependence of learning process that this paper shall outline the benefits of critical reflection so as to improve learning and enhance efficiency for both learners and instructors. Learning depends on a systemic guide that elaborates the academic procedure and curriculum which instructors lead learners through it, and assessment and evaluation is done to show if learning has taken place or not. Good performance in assessment and evaluation through examinations is seen as positive, while failure is shown to suggest that learning has not taken place. This critically does not reflect the true identity of learning process. This is because examiners may wish to examine learners in a specific topic or module which may not be friendly with the learner hence the poor performance of the student. This therefore, suggests that the student may have failed in this area but well equipped in other topics which may not have been examined. This illustration makes an argument that examination may not be the best tool to reflection of the learning process since it does not indicate all the possible avenues of education. On the hand, those who may have performed well in the exam may have had a good time with the topic examined hence their performance. Environment is a great contributor in the performance of a student that may enable one to perform well or poor. In cases where tension is identified, learners may be affected in their performance. Parents and instructors who threaten their children put pressure to perform on them hence passing or failing dos not reflect learning and acquisition of knowledge. This indicates that pupils may pass the exam because of the family, and friends pressure, and not as a result that they have achieved the goal of learning. This proves that stakeholders should come together and come up with ways to evaluate and assess learners in the learning process so as to send out qualified professionals that can be depended on to improve economies of the world and offer management expertise in global organizations. Academic performance has been set as a mark in the employment subject which has seen people with good certificates enter the job world. However, it has been argued that some of these people are considered incompetent e ven though they possess certificates with wonderful grades. This raises alarm on the merits of learning since in several high learning institutions, it is the choice and decision of the respective lectures that make or break a professional from the class environment. Proper machinery and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Environmental Risk Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Environmental Risk Management - Coursework Example For adoption of an effective EMS, this paper discusses the processes involved in Environmental risk assessment. These include hazard assessment, exposure assessment, consequences assessment as well as risk estimation. Through integration of these processes with the major activities undertaken in formulation and implementation of EMS, an organization is able to benefit from an effective EMS. Some of the major implications of an accredited EMS to institutions such as Cowcaddens University include reduced operational costs, public support and competitive advantage. In this regard, this paper discusses some key recommendations that Cowcaddens should adopt. For instance, the institution should engage all stakeholders including employees and students in the entire process of formulating and implementing the EMS. This also entails offering environment conservation courses in addition to offering training to the employees and holding environmental protection seminars and forums. Introduction Environmental Management System (EMS) entails comprehensive strategies that are adopted to effectively manage environmental aspects that affect the day to day operations of companies. ... Other advantages of EMS include improving the production process, reduction of company liabilities and expenses as well as reduction of costs of managing waste materials. For companies to increase total sales, it is imperative for firms to emulate effective EMS especially in the modern times when most consumers are keenly looking for products that are harmless to the environment. This paper seeks to discuss the concepts that are vital in the development of an environmental risk assessment process as part of an Environment Management System of Cowcaddens University. Specific Environmental legislation Environmental Permitting Regulations 2011 SI 2043 Environmental Permitting Regulations 2011 SI 2043 is one of the major environmental legislation that was emulated by UK government in October 2011. The law that seeks to redefine radioactive waste was adopted after several amendments of the earlier Acts. The amendment was done in order to provide effective EMS that ensures risks associated with radioactive materials are properly addressed. Due to the anomalies of Radioactive Substances Act (RSA) of 1960, the UK government recognized the need to make adjustment of the Act. RSA 1993 was also based on RSA 1960. Even though some countries such as Northern Ireland and Scotland have still retained the majority of the provisions of RSA 1993, major reviews have been adopted in UK that are contributed by various environment regulators and industries. This was aimed at making UK attain a strong approach of preventing the country from being negatively affected by the large amount of radioactive materials from the industries. The monitoring of the implementation of the law is to be undertaken in 2015.

Price War Essay Example for Free

Price War Essay How should a company try to deal with the threat of a price war? Fontinelle (2010) believed that price war has a big impact which leads to a string of price reduction that vaporizes the profit margins. There are some solutions which can cope with the menace of a price war. To start with, Rao et al. (2000) showed that the manager of a company should take into account of other options before answering the price cuts call. The manager should consider matching price cut is a good choice or not before deciding. Moreover, additional information about the price war is needed to be figured out immediately. Does the discounted price apply for a short period of time or long term? In addition, the terms and conditions for the promotion are also involved. For example, Starbucks drove their customers crazy because of the 50% discount Frappuccino in happy hour campaign. In addition, it also attracts more new customers. Meanwhile, their competitors should consider about applying the same strategy or do nothing. The competitor’s managers must be particularly careful as the threat of price war is high. In addition, they may get more disadvantages instead of advantages as if their brand is not as strong as Starbucks. Misreading the competitor’s purposes which is one of the main factor causes price war can lead to unavoidable price war (Little, 2003). Therefore, correct information about competitor’s intentions must be obtained carefully. The reason behind the price cuts must be figured out to have the right respond. With the same example above, the competitors’ managers should research in detail about Starbucks promotion campaign to have their suitable marketing strategy. According to Rao et al. (2000), marketing communication strategy plays an important role in ensuring the competitors understand the reason behind the company pricing tactics which assists in avoiding a price war. Advertisement should not only focus on the price but also the quality and benefits of the product. Therefore, the companies should selectively reveal their strategy intentions in the purpose of staying away from price reductions. To avoid igniting a price war, Swartz (2012) claimed that products are required to be differentiated. It means that the products must be customized to become outstanding in the market share. Although other traders may offer products which are similar to those competitors are selling, it doesnt necessarily mean the company must serve identical products or services. Therefore, there are many ways of differentiation in order to make the customers realize which product is more valuable to purchase. Rao et al. (2000) pointed out that awareness of customer’s level of price sensitivities is also important. To carry out a successful pricing strategy, a company must first comprehend the basic understanding of customer perception of price sensitivity. This changes when new competitors enter the current market as company have to be aware of other competitors pricing strategy as well. As a conclusion, companies should keep clear of price wars as it can be difficult to manage as soon as price wars begin to gain a head start. Arguments between companies regarding price wars should be handled calmly to avoid unnecessary conflicts. As a side benefit, it would also reduce the chances of initiating price wars.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Letter to Charlemagne Essay Example for Free

Letter to Charlemagne Essay His Majesty King Charlemagne:  With utmost diligence regarding the king’s instruction to go forth and inspect governments, administer justice, and reawaken all citizens to their civil and religious duties, herewith is the detail account concerning the outcome of this noble undertaking. Indeed, the kingdom under his majesty’s rule enjoys great peace and an enduring justice as the King’s officials such as the kingdom’s archbishops and abbot, the dukes and counts are doing their duties well, thanks to his majesty’s missi dominici which effectively performs their own duties of visiting every courts throughout the kingdom and to ensure that taxes were properly collected and that all the king’s decree were followed. His majesty’s victories against the Lombards and the Saxons as well as against the Avars have brought the kingdom stable peace (McDonald, p. 95) and genuine respect from the very citizens who were proud of his majesty’s victories. His majesty’s unexpected coronation by Pope Leo as â€Å"an Augustus† confirms his majesty’s â€Å"formidable power† (Brown 2004, p. 435), that certainly added much respect to the Kings court which prompted them to render their duties satisfactorily. However, despite of the general peace that the kingdom enjoyed as well as of the fine performance of civil duties, many people especially from the ranks of peasants and the nobility are poor and illiterate. In general, life was â€Å"brutal and harsh† (The History Guide) for the peasants as many of them were in abject poverty. Religion was less important as many of them were illiterate. This was also the case of the nobility who were mostly illiterate. Concerning religion, both the peasants and the nobility have little regard for religion for two reasons; the first one is that, since most of these groups were illiterate they cannot understand Christianity as their access to the Christian Bible were very limited. Second, most of the nobility spend their life in fighting. Given this problem, it is hereby presented to his majesty some solution to the problem in order that an enduring justice and peace will continue to flourish throughout the Kingdom. First is, the establishments of more schools so that everyone who can afford its cost whether they are peasants or nobility can have the opportunity to improve their condition. In matters of religion, the nobility were the most numbers of people who have no religious beliefs were in darkened by illiteracy because they spent much of their time in fighting. They mostly land less although compared to the peasants, they were quite better. With this situation, it is hereby noted that those soldiers who were given lands in recognition of their efforts in war were the most loyal of the king’s subjects and were ready to accept whatever is the king’s instruction, whether to encouraged them to embrace Christianity or to faithfully obey all the king’s decrees. In general, everything was under the king’s control although there also some isolated cases of dissatisfaction, everything were fine. The king should continue to promote religion as well as the establishment of more schools so that people can learn reading and writing in order for them to gain understanding which would open their minds to embrace Christianity and to their civil duties satisfactorily. References Brown, P.R.L. (2004) The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, A.D†¦., Parts 200-1000 UK: Wiley Blackwell â€Å"Lectures on Ancient and Medieval European History† The History Guide Macdonald, M.H. (1996) Europe: A Tantalizing Romance: Past and Present Europe for Students and the Serious Traveler USA: University Press of America

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Edgar Degas: Six Friends at Dieppe | An Analysis

Edgar Degas: Six Friends at Dieppe | An Analysis This paper discusses Degas’ representation of his circle of friends in reference to heroes and hero worship. For the purposes of the paper, ‘hero’ will be taken to mean ‘characters, that, in the face of adversity, and perhaps from a position of weakness display courage and the will for self-sacrifice’, with hero worship following the generally understood meaning ‘intense admiration for a hero’. The paper will show that Degas viewed his friends as heroes, in that they sacrificed themselves for their work, and that, through his collecting of various works, especially by those of close friends, and his portraits of his close friends, he exhibited ‘hero-worshipping’ towards these friends. The book Edgar Degas: Six Friends at Dieppe, based on a 2005/6 exhibition of the same name at the RISD Museum, looks in detail at Degas’ relationships with his close circle of friends, as portrayed in Degas’ 1885 pastel portrait of the same name. In this work, Degas presents Ludovic Halevy, Daniel Halevy, Jacques-Emil Blanch, Henri Gervex, Walter Sickert, and Albert Boulanger-Cave. The complex, often highly volatile, but always extremely loyal, friendships between these men, and with Degas, are narrated in Degas’ portrait. This is discussed in more detail in the book Edgar Degas: Six Friends at Dieppe, which concludes that Degas had an extremely complex relationship with his friends, and that once he had formed a friendship, Degas was at pains to let this friendship go, whatever the cost. He valued his friendships extremely highly, particularly, it seems, because he saw them as a means of releasing himself to the world, for his own timidity was often restrictive, and it was his relationships with close friends that allowed him to flourish (see Meyers, 2005). Degas formed many strong friendships throughout his life, as we have seen, with Ludovic Halevy ranking amongst the most dear, with loyal friendships with other artists (such as Emile Zola) informing his work, in terms of developing ideas about realism, and the role of painting, for example. Degas’ friendship with Sickert, for example, withstood the test of time, as relayed by Sickert himself in his 1917 article about his friendship with Degas (see Sickert, 1917), which portrays a profound affection for his friend Degas. This friendship is also explored in Robins (1988), which shows that Degas had a deep respect for Sickert, so much so that he introduced Sickert to mutual friends and to his own dealers. Degas’ friendship with Sickert was, however, only one of his many close friendships: he also had deep, and well-documented, friendships with Manet, with Toulouse-Lautrec, and with Emile Zola amongst others. Indeed, it is within the context of these friendships that he cam e to see ‘realism’ in art as the true path that his work should take, as documented in his many letters and through his various works (see, for example, Degas, 2000). Degas’ friendship with Manet is legendary, based on a comradely rivalry, with many ups and downs, forged together through strong artistic bonds, described as ‘(they) used the same models, shared an iconography and indulged in reciprocal quotations’ (see Baumann et al., 1995). The two artists, thus, informed each others works, and, indeed, an explicit connection between Degas’ pastel works and Manet’s Chez le Pere Lathuille has been made (see Meyers, 2005), perhaps suggestive of some form of reciprocal hero worship towards Degas on the part of Manet. However tumultuous their friendship, however, it is perhaps indicative of the depth of Degas’ respect for Manet that Manet’s Ham and Pear were opposite Degas’ bed, so they were the first things he saw in the morning when he awoke (Meyers, 2005). Degas’ portraits of Manet, such as his 1968/9 Portrait of Monsieur and Madame Edouard Manet, often raised trouble between the friends, and indeed, Manet cut Suzanne’s face off of this portrait, in disgust, although it is thought, through analyses of Degas’ writings, that no harm was actually intended, and, indeed, the portrait seemed to have been intended as a genuine compliment to the couple, leading to a temporary split in the friendship (see Baumann et al., 1995). Other portraits, such as the etching Portrait of Edouard Manet completed in 1862/5 shows Degas’ utmost respect for Manet, showing Manet as alert and attentive, reinforcing Degas’ tendency to reveal how he felt about his friends, as artistic heroes, and even perhaps, as personal heroes who saved Degas from the darker sides of his own personality, and from his own personal demons[1]. Degas, the complex artist, with complex interpretations, can thus be argued to have exhibited ‘hero worshipping’ towards his friends, as we have seen, through spending time with them, discussing realism with them, and by taking his time to paint portraits of them. In addition to this, Degas was an avid collector of art, and he avidly collected the work of old masters and contemporaries, with the aim of founding a Museum to house his extensive collection, although his loss of faith in the idea of a Museum, his suicide and the subsequent war-time sale of the collection did not allow for the construction of a Museum to house his collection. As Dumas (2000) and Ives et al. (1998) document, Degas’ personal art collection numbered over 5000 works at the time of his death, including works by masters such as Delacroix and Ingres, but mostly works by his contemporaries, including Manet, Cassatt, Van Gogh and Gauguin. This represents a form of appreciation of their work, an d, indeed, Degas is known to have only collected the best works of each artist, often, as was the case with Cezanne, collecting their work before the artists had attracted a dealer, or had sold their work widely. His dedication to his work as a collector constitutes, in some form, hero worship, as one artist appreciating the heroic efforts of another artists to produce worthy art. Understanding representations of friends of Degas as heroes is therefore a valid way in which to understand Degas’ intense admiration for the work of his contemporaries. Under this understanding, for Degas, collecting and portrait painting was a form of hero worship. References Baumann, F.A. et al., 1995. Degas Portraits: Portraits. Merrell Holberton. Dumas, A., 2000. The Private Collection of Edgar Degas. Yale University Press. Degas, E., 2000. Degas by himself: Drawings, paintings and writings. Little, Brown. Ives, C., Stein, S.A. and Steiner, J.A. (eds.), 1998. The Private Collection of Edgar Degas: a summary catalogue. Harry N. Abrams Inc. Julius, M., 1996. Edgar Degas – obsessive artist, obsessive collector. Contemporary Review August, pp.13-14. Lipton, E., 1988. Looking into Degas: Uneasy Images of Women and Modern Life. Meyers, J., 2005. Impressionist Quartet: the intimate genius of Manet and Morisot, Degas and Cassatt. Harcourt. O’Brien, M. et al., 2005. Edgar Degas: Six Friends at Dieppe. Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design. Robins, A.G., 1988. Degas and Sickert: notes on their friendship. The Burlington Magazine 130(1020), pp.198+210-211+225-229. Robins, A.G. and Thomas, R., 2005. Degas, Sickert and Toulouse-Lautrec: London and Paris, 1870-1910. Tate Publishing. Sickert, W., 1917. Degas. The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 31(176), pp.183-187+190-191. Vollard, A., 1986. Degas: an intimate portrait. Dover Publications. Footnotes [1] Nowhere is this better illustrated than in his extremely close relationship with Cassatt. He owned more than ninety of Cassatt’s prints, and aside from painting Cassatt’s portrait, he also produced a series of etchings entitled Mary Cassatt at the Louvre (see Julius, 1996).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

William Christopher Handy :: essays research papers

William Christopher Handy Handy was an American black composer and compiler of "BLUES" music. He was born in Florence, Alabama. He was educated at the Negro Agricultural and Mechanical College near Huntsville, Alabama. He was the son of former slaves. He was educated in the public schools and by his father and paternal grandfather, both of whom were clergymen. Handy was the first to bring the African- American blues to the general publics attention with the publication of his MEMPHIS BLUES in 1912. He began his musical career as a cornet soloist and bandmaster with minstrel shows; one of his earislst engagements was with the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. Handy also founded a music publishing house and edited and wrote several books , including the autobiographical Father of the Blues (1941). Originally, the blues were a type of black folk song little known beyond the southern United States. Handy's songs brought the blues to international attention. Handy's career was rooted in popular music. He began his career in 1896 as a minstrel show and vaudville corntist and bandleader and then became one of the first publishers of music by black composers. William Christopher Handy was born on Nov,16, 1873, in Florence, Ala, the son of former slaves . As a 15-year-old he left home to work in a traveling minstrel show, but he soon returned when his money ran out. He attended Teachers Agreicultural & Mechanical College in Huntsville, Alabama, and worked as a school teacher and bandmaster. In 1893, during an economic depression, he formed a quartet to perform at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. For several years afterward he drifted around the country working at different jobs. Eventually he settled in Memphas, Tenn. Although he lost his eyesight at age 30, after WW1 he conducted his own orchestra from 1903 intill 1921. His eyesight partially returned, but he became completely blind after a fall from a subway platform in 1943. Handy wrote music during the period of transition from ragtime to jazz. The music he had absorbed during his youth consisted of spirituals, work songs,

On The Waterfront, Terry Malloy :: Movie, Film Analysis

Terry Malloy as a â€Å"Hero†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Terry Malloy was first introduced, he did not make any indications that he would strive for the respect that he gained throughout the story. His tough-guy behavior and compassionate attitude has made him what he is: a hero. He never revealed what he was truly made of or what he was capable of. He always had low self-esteem about himself—repeatedly calling himself a â€Å"bum.† Despite his stubbornness to change and his ignorance to others, Malloy proves himself by doing what he knows is right to be a true hero.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the whole film, Malloy displayed himself as a bum. He rarely works, and he is a has-been boxer. Others occasionally criticize him about his boxing career; explaining to him that he was no good. Because a lot of the criticism got to Terry’s head, he was unable to associate with others. This proves so with the relationship he has with Edie Doyle. He is barely able to hold the relationship with Edie, even though she is the one whom Terry loves so much. Up to this point, Malloy does not display himself as a hero, or even close to being one.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Malloy put himself to the test, he rarely came out successful. This all changed when he saw the death of his brother, Charlie the Gent. Malloy decided to stand up for what he knew was right and went to speak with Johnny Friendly face to face. As the scene unfolded, the depiction of Malloy being a hero was relevant. He stood up for his brother, and his girlfriend. He knew what the outcome would be if he confronted the â€Å"hoods,† yet he did what he had to do for the people on the dock, and above all, for the people he cared about the most; and for this, he gained the respect and loyalty that he deserved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the film progressed, Malloy’s character seemed to have changed. He became more sensitive towards Edie, and he stuck with his wits and testified against his own former friends, â€Å"the hoods.† But with every good thing, there must be something bad that comes out of it. When Malloy lost the respect of his co-workers and friends by testifying against the hoods, he became a target for blame that the people of the town needed to show that they were still behind the hoods. Yet when Malloy went on the dock and professed what he truly thought of Friendly and the others, the people of the town realized that what Terry was saying is correct, and they eventually regained there respect for Terry.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Issue of Inflation Control as an Objectice of Central Banks Essay e

The Issue of Inflation Control as an Objectice of Central Banks This paper looks at the issue of inflation control as an objective of central banks. Viewing the British Commonwealth and Continental European models of ‘zero inflation’ in contrast with the moderate inflation policy of the US provides a case against zero inflation as a policy objective. A variety of issues that surround inflation; e.g., the inflation/unemployment relationship, etc, will be brought to the fore. In the final analysis, it is clear that efforts to eradicate inflation are misguided and more moderate inflation is preferable in an era where steady economic growth is desirable. Introduction Hyper inflation has plagued most of the world’s developing countries over the past decades. Countries in the industrialised world, too, have at times duelled with dangerously high inflation rates in the post WWII era. With varying degrees of success, all have employed great efforts to bring their inflation rates within acceptable limits. Generally, a moderate rate of inflation has been the ultimate goal. More recently, however, a few countries have pursued policies that strive to eradicate inflation altogether through complete price stability. This has proven to be a contentious enterprise, which clearly indicates that there is still no universally accepted solution to the inflation problem. Indeed, there is not even an agreed consensus regarding the source of inflation itself. The monetarist perception that the root of inflation is solely the excessive creation of money remains. So too does the belief that inflation originates in the labour market. And amongst a variety of others, the opinion that inflation â€Å"serves the critical social purpose of resolving incompatible demands by different groups† is also strong. This last, and more widely accepted, case shows that the problem is hardly a technical one; but rather a political one. It highlights the now unquestionable fact that politics and inflation are inextricably linked. And as with all inherently political issues, consensus is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. But, political characteristics do provide flexibility. In some countries, high rates of inflation have clearly been compatible with rapid economic growth and fast rising standards of living. In such cases, it is quite reasonable to suggest that higher r... ...n and France. And unless the elusive benefits of zero inflation soon manifest themselves, it is only a matter of time before the rest of the ‘no inflation’ pack realises they are barking up the wrong tree. Bibliography: Akerlof, George., Dickens, William., Perry, George., ‘The Macroeconomics of Low Inflation’., Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (1996 NI) Dale, Reginald., ‘Zero Inflation is Not a Great Idea’., International Herald Tribune (Tuesday, September 10, 1996) Fortin, Pierre, ‘The Canadian Fiscal Problem: The Macroeconomic Connection’ in Lars Osberg and Pierre Fortin (eds.), Unnecessary Debts (Lorimer, 1996) Fortin, Pierre., ‘The Great Canadian Slump’., Canadian Journal of Economics (November 1996) Freedman, Charles, ‘The Role of Monetary Conditions and the Monetary Conditions Index in the Conduct of Policy’., in Bank of Canada Review (Autumn 1995) Friedman, Milton., ‘The Role of Monetary Policy’., American Economic Review (March, 1968) Frisch, Helmut., Theories of Inflation (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1983) Lovewell, Mark., ‘Getting to Zero: Bank of Canada Policy in Context’., in Bank of Canada Review (Autumn 1996)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Joining Wrestling Team Essay

There are many sports that a student can join in high school, but there is one sport that separates itself from the rest. The sport, without a doubt, is wresting. Wrestling is an outstanding sport because it teaches discipline, tenacity, and the values of friendship. The only way to succeed in this sport is with discipline. Wrestling far exceeds the practice times and schedules of football, which is thought to be the â€Å"toughest† sport. Wrestlers must stay in shape, have a very low body fat percentage, and must be lean and muscular. A wrestling practice can start with a six mile jog followed by a thirty minute session of running up stairs, and carrying people on their backs. Afterwards, the wrestler would engage in a full practice of drills, learning new moves, and going â€Å"Live†. Live is not quite drilling, but not as intense as a real match. It allows wrestlers to see what will happen when they try new moves and counters in a sort of â€Å"practice† match. Not many people are physically and mentally fit for this kind of practice. Only a select few can cope with it without giving up. There are many other aspects of the sport that not many of the participants can overcome. One of these would be that when anyone hears the word â€Å"wrestling†, they would think of a gay sport. These people could not be more wrong. Many of the moves require grabbing the inner thigh or lying on top of the opponent, but this does not mean the sport is gay. This sport measures a man’s brute strength and skill in the most primitive of ways. Matches are paired up with wrestlers equal in weight so that no one has an advantage in weight. This sport dates back 15,000 B.C. to early Egyptian and Babylonian beliefs and cave drawing found in France. Tenacity is also a key factor of becoming a wrestler. This sport requires a wrestler to have a highly developed stamina, because a match can tire a person out in under a minute if he or she is not in shape. During a match, a wrestler must fight with all he has to not let his opponent hold them down on their shoulder blades for three seconds, and this is no easy task. Even though a match is almost always less than six minutes, most wrestlers are gasping for air as they wobble back to their seat whether they won or lost.  Their senses go haywire, and the room keeps spinning and then everything comes back to them a few minutes afterward. Tenacity would also play in a role with the fact that sometimes wrestlers have to â€Å"cut† weight so their body weighs a predetermined weight before a given match. This is for the few people that naturally weigh in-between classes. Rumor has it that the lighter a person gets, the easier it is, but this is not true, and is dangerous to one’s health. Even though the first few weeks of practice would burn off at least three pounds off of everyone because of the intense training, a few ignorant people would put on plastic suits and sweat off as much as fifteen pounds! These are the hard-core wrestlers who think that being lighter is so important that they feel that have to drop down to a very unsafe weight class. The more they sweat, the more dehydrated they get, and from this, a wrestler’s metabolism would slow down, making it nearly impossible for them to lose any more weight. This is their body protecting itself from the wrestler’s unsafe conditions it puts itself through. If he does not stop what he is doing, the body would completely shutdown, and the wrestler would be tired within minutes, as well as pull muscles, jam fingers, and get strains much more frequently. This ultimately leads to a really good wrestler losing to a beginner who cannot even compare in skill or experience because he was too tired to go on. This sport is not the easiest to accept, but the lessons a wrester learns are well worth it. Wrestling is an individual sport – in the sense that the outcome of a match is solely dependent on how that person did – but teamwork is required in every aspect other than the actual match. A wrestler’s training partner is the one person who can warn them when a move they did was done incorrectly or if there is a way to make the move more efficient. Only with a good training partner can a wrestler find and work on positions and moves that are troublesome. As the season progresses, the wrestlers on the team would get to know each other much more then any of their friends would. Wrestlers grow together in  suffering from the intense practices and the significant amount of time they spend with each other during the season. Wrestlers of the same team usually hang out together and would go out for pizza as a team after a match they won to celebrate. The bond a wrestling team gets as the season ends is much different from a friendship, for it has no boundaries in trust, kindness, and loyalty. This sport has a bad reputation for many things that are untrue. Wrestling is not gay, and it does not make anyone â€Å"cut† weight in order to participate. This is a sport unlike any other, for the fact that a person must have a few key qualities to excel in the sport. Any person, athletic or not, has no reason not to sign up for the team.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Power and Authority

HOW suffer YOUR TEXTS EXPLORED POWER AND AUTHORITY The abuse of position and authority authorizes to corruption. George Orwells satire nineteen Eighty-four and Frank Darabonts infernal version of prison life The Shawshank salvation show the cause of the exercise of compulsive causality. These texts show that if there argon no restrictions when it comes to authority it can hold in to corruption. Orwells 19 Eighty-four demonstrates forefingerful warnings against the dangers of a totalitarian society.A theme utilize in Orwells refreshful is the party of self-aggrandising Brother and its absolute causality we sh all be utterly without proponent of all(prenominal) pattern this conveys a very controlling inwardness towards all party members as they be totally evicted from freedom. Orwell uses three phases throughout the allegory to give an impression of the sheer spot and authority of Big brother state of war IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SALVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH this is an irony used to show power towards the party. One of the motifs of xix Eighty-Four is the control of an individuals thoughts and the governments control of every party member.Telescreens are most prominently featured in the novel they are devices that keep apiece one of its subjects under constant surveillance therefore eliminating any chance of individual(a) conspiracies against Oceania. It was terribly dangerous to permit your thoughts pasturewithin range of a telescreenthe slightest intimacy could give you away. The Partys surveillance tactics and technology are so advanced that even the smallest observation could give you away. thought crime does non entail death, thoughtcrime is death. Orwell has written somewhat thoughtcrime throughout the novel.It was illegal to hold any negative thought against the party at any time. This gives the reader a calculate of how controlled an individuals thoughts were and the surveillance of distributively and every thought. The Shawshank Redemption directed by Frank Darabont provides a desolate enchant of a prison where the abuse of power is usual. The figure of the warden, who has the total power of all captives, is used to symbolize the corrupting effects of unrestrained power. He reminds each and every new prisoner that they have no protection from his absolute power, used in a frightening warning your shadow belongs to me. His corruption is emphasized through the whitening used by Darabont. through with(predicate)out the put down he has him emerge from and retreat into darkness. skipper Hadley, the unusually harsh prison guard, routinely and casually breaches prisoners rights through violence, responding to a crave made by a prisoner to make a complaint with Youll be tellin the Warden with my baton up your ass. The repair of the frequent beatings is emphasized by the thunderous sound affects of the blows landing on each hopeless victim. We see the distinctive dangers of a system where power i s strong in few but at the expense of many.The Shawshank Redemption is a film that deals with the validation of prison and the impact of its power on prisoners. These walls are funny. First you hate them abounding time passes, you get so you consider on them. Thats institutionalised. This creates an image that the prison walls are constraining as it authenticates that the prison has the power over the prisoners simultaneously becoming a false support for all inmates. Through the character Brooks we learn that he believes he cannot stand alone and inevitably the prison as a support. possibly I should rob the FoodWay so theyll let me back home. This emphasizes the point that brooks depended so much on the prison and became an institutionalized man. The abuse of power can lead to corruption. We see the abuse of absolute power being used in the novel Nineteen Eighty-four and the film The Shawshank Redemption. Nineteen Eighty four demonstrates this through warnings against the dange rs of a totalitarian society and The Shawshank Redemption provides us with a desolate view of a prison where the abuse of power is a regular occurrence. These texts show us that when power and authority has no restrictions it can lead to a corrupt populace.

Porters 5 Forces Essay

cardinal Forces analysis for IT exertion Wipro Technologies is a global information engineering science (IT) swear outs go with. It provides tradition application protrude and development, IT consulting, systems integration, technology base of operations come turn up of the closet sourcing, softw atomic spell 18 product program products and BPO services. Michael Porters Five Forces pretense looks at five differentiate beas- the threat of opening, the military group of buyers, the ability of suppliers, the threat of deputises, and competitive twinry.Threat of freshly entrants New entrant in the market may have an effect on role of sr. counter procedures Threat of substitute Due to technological advances, whole step constraints or cost effectiveness there tail assembly be a threat of the substitute on the industry. Bargaining Power of client This is the bargaining queen of the customer -one who is consumer of the goods. Bargaining Power of suppliers This i s the bargaining power of the supplier -one who supplies sources that are needed for finished goods. relative Rivalry within assiduity It tells about tip of ambition in between firms in an industry. Porters Five Forces helps to analyse how these forces act together to cause the telephoner to increase or decrease profitability of the company. The dodge of the company should be to influence these forces to maximise profitability. w therefrom below is a rent of the IT industry and study of profitability in custom application design development, systems integration, technology understructure management segments of IT Threats and barricades to entry Economies of home base and swell Investment Requirements IT requires in truth low coronation and hence we have hundreds of give outups starting e really stratum. opus it is easy to set up and start a software company sustaining growth does non come easy. wholly these start-ups withal play in an area where Wipro does not comp ete corresponding low value projects or in sub proclamationed mold. Hence they are not a threat to the profitability of Wipro. India is the favourite destination for moody shoring up Information Technology (IT) and IT enabled Services.The Indian IT/ITES industry commands more than than 50% of global ITES off shoring market partake. The IT/ITES exports are set to cross USD 60 billion by 2010 and Nasscom (The National Association for bundle and Services Companies), estimates that the industry impart account for USD 63. 7 billion of revenues and direct employment is expected to tense nearly 2. 3 million. The IT industry contri unlesses around 26 per cent of Indias total exports and was around 6. 1 percent of Indias GDP for financial year 2009-2010 (NASSCOM, 2010). 2 Customer switching costWipro whole kit and literary hackoodle across verticals want telecom, BFSI, Media and Communication, Automobiles, G everyplacenment, Technology, Manufacturing, Energy, Healthcare, Hospital ity and so onand has sev seasonl ODC or off rim development centres for nearly all exceed companies in the realism. These offshore development centres have thousands of resources workings with multi year projects earning millions of dollars of revenue a year. The cost of teddy or switching even a part of these projects to an otherwise(prenominal) companies would involve Brobdingnagian set up, transitioning cost with no guar bet oned results.Wipro has tint certifications like Cmmi direct 5, PCMM take aim 5,BS9977 etc.and bran-new entrants will face a barrier in this regard. global contracts will not be prone to companies with the lack of certification. The lack of security certifications will cause customers to have security re belatedd concerns spell move data offshore. 3 Access to dispersal channels and technology This poses no difficulty. Many go on business enterprise unit heads have previously sidetrack from Wipro and spawned off their own company which has grown and some measures taken a part of the market share of Wipro.Since the industry waves on familiarity workers when a ripened person leave he takes access and knowledge of customer base and customer contacts with him. The Internet is indicate everywhere and software technology in the era of open source is easily accessible to all. 4 Government Subsidies and policies Current favourable indemnity by government for new ITES-BPO firms is creating competitive situation for Wipro and other established players in the India IT industry. The reforms have reduced licensing fates and do foreign technology accessible.The reforms have as well as aloof restrictions on investment and made the process of investment easier. This has tremendously helped the IT industries. The Indian government is actively promoting FDI and investments from NRIs (Non-Resident Indians). FDI weed be brought in through the automatic route, ground on powers accorded to the Reserve Bank of India. Improvement and die of telecommunication fire aid new entrants into the IT industry. Similary improvements in infrastructure and power sector can also aid new entrants into the IT industry.Recognizing the importance of infer Capital Funding, the Ministry of Information Technology has set up a National Venture Fund for the Software and IT Industry with a corpus of Rs. 100 crore. The main get under ones skin of the venture capital Fund is to provide Venture Capital to start up software professionals and minor(ip) IT units. Nasscom (most important promoter of the IT/BPO industry) has been playing a life-or-death role in helping the IT industry compass the IT and ITES vision and make India far ahead of other players in the field of IT and BPO. precisely new entrants and start ups can never be in the conference of Wipro which adds 20-30 new customers every quarter and earns revenue in the range 0f 50-60 billon USD every quarter. 5 Brand loyalty Since Wipro is in multi year descents with m ost of its customers and since the relationship is driven top down from CEO take and exists sometimes with entire IT organisation of the customer, there is a deep brand loyalty that cannot be forsaken. Wipro trades on NYSE and is a well respected global company. Threat of SubstitutePrice is most ofttimes the main differentiator among refer players in the software industry quality of service being the aforesaid(prenominal). Indian IT firms like Wipro face stiff competitions from their counterpart in other emerging market like Russia, brazil, Mexico, Philippines and China. The IT providers in these markets charge competitive lay outs as compared to Wipro. just Wipro has development centres in China , Philippines so that they can leverage the analogous advantage. At the same time Wipro runs a huge pool of resources from the some prima(p) technical institutions across India .These resources are trained to work in many technologies and also are very flexible with respect to wor k timings. Additionally, the Wipro has been exceptionally quality concentreed being the first Indian Cmmi Level 5 company with high-skilled pool of knowledge workers with incline speaking Hence it has an upper edge over other offshore locations like China, Philippines or Latin American countries 1 Quality/Value proposal While start-ups work like a flame in the pan and sometimes do attract a first time IT outsourcer it is MNCs like IBM and witting which can be identified as substitutes for Wipro. awake(predicate) with its steady and continued growth rate has taken a part of the market share of companies like Wipro. An MNC with a formidable history and footing can e work as substitute for Wipro in the software industry due to the distinction that they bring in terms of delivery models, superior people/leadership in the organisation, RD focus, steady focus on not as save mature verticals (like healthcare in Cognizants case for example) and pumping back money into the business. These MNC bring a better value to the customer and engage the customer at a more strategic direct . Buyers willingness and relative price/ carrying into action of substitute As per a report in Economic Times Emerging near shore rivals, including cape Technologies of Israel, CPM Braxis of Brazil and Mexico-headquartered Softtek are increasingly seemly attractive for top outsourcing customers such as GE, Citibank and several(prenominal) others seeking to work with local anesthetic, specialised vendors instead of sending all projects to offshore locations like India. Though Wipro is ripening its bearing in the emerging markets of Latin America, Eastern Europe and Asia, they face stiff competition from these newer rivals.For many customers who already have significant presence in offshore locations like India, its a risk diversification, Some customers having 70-80 per cent of their offshore resources in India are realising that they need to look at the third gear category of suppl iers that are local and niche. Over the other(prenominal) two years, companies such as CPM Braxis, EPAM Systems, Ness Technologies, Softtek, Merchants and Spi Global have emerged as stronger rivals for Indian tech firms, particularly while bidding for an outsourcing contract being fleshed out by a first-time outsourcer.Brazilian firm CPM Braxis, for instance, which counts GE, ABN Amro and twirl as clients, reported revenues of around $567 million in 2008. One of the top four Brazilian banks, Bradesco, is also among the biggest customers for the company. While these emerging outsourcing rivals are not yet in the big league of mega, multi-year contracts, they are tranquil able to gain business because of their niche and local market expertise. On an average, these companies are able to attract contracts worth $2-5 million in annual contract value. Bargaining power of customer tightfistedness of buyers and sellers at that place are a blown-up modus operandis of playes in the s oftware industry. While India and Indian software companies with exhibit performance are the lead runners, players across the world and especially from other developing countries like Brazil etc are in the run. Hence the customer has huge bargaining power. 2 Profitability of buyer OF late due to the cut in IT eliminateing, while IT slip a focussing of the customers may have reduced, the matter of players are vying for the same budget. Hence cost advantages become very major and customer drives the billing rates.This is because most of the projects are in maintenance or integration and quality distinction may not be there among number of players. 3 Switching Costs But for exist projects where switching costs are high , new higher billing rates have been worked on on contract renewal even in the recession period. Also with a tighter monitoring of IT spend of customers and in an effort to distribute the risks customers also rarely give an entire project to one customer often di stributing the project to all cay players hence igniting rivalry and competition. Forward Integration Many captive companies have leveraged the same advantage as companies like Wipro of resource availability at low costs and have opened their captive centres in India, which acts as an IT wing of their company and develops software for them. Examples are many like Shell , JP Morgan, man international banks, Bosch, Boeing etc. Bargaining power of supplier 1 Concentration of suppliers and demand Since there are a heavy(p) number of technical institutions campus recruitments bring in thousands of entry level people at low salaries.But at the same time attrition is very high in the software field since with association resources may move to greener pastures. 2 Profitability of suppliers in that location is a huge demand for experienced professionals in key skill areas. Companies need to continually invest in resource development and training in upcoming technologies and keep them fr om leaving the company by attractive remunerations, trips abroad etc. Since many of the suppliers who supporting the IT service industry -are local and IT industry earning take advantage on the rupee dollar difference .The suppliers are happy to be in engagement with the IT company and are happy with what they are offered though it is a miniscule of what the IT company earns. Example are cab companies. Rivalry or Competition 1 bodily structure of competition The key players in the IT industry are in intense competition with each other. alone the major players like TCS, Infosys etc have the same liberal of delivery models, verticals focus, billing rates and also more or less the same customer base, geographical presence etc. So most of the competition is around excelling in domain knowledge, gaining thought leadership in technology areas and building customer relationships.But the large players are only a few in number who are clear market leaders. Still Startups support on ni che technologies and domains and beat inroads into the IT companies market share. Start-ups thrive on a hire and fire policy where the resources are taken on at the ascendent of a project at high salaries and pink-slipped after its completion. Since there is no service differentiation the customer believes in divide and encounter policy where the each key player is given a near equal piece of the pie, pitch shot one player once against the other and igniting intense rivalry.The key to getting good projects is good experienced resources, number of people with a specific skill etc. Hence resource poaching is a parking lot phenomenon. 2 Cost structure of the Industry Companies like Wipro have high overheads owing to its sizing and complex organisation structure. New companies with none of the bequest of Wipro, can come in with niche focus and take a portion of maket share cerebrate to RD, innovation where creativity, technicall prowess is more key than standard processes, certif ications etc.So time and again projects are lost to smaller companies who are more nimble and lean and once that happens it can fleck the growth story of a new rival in that specific domain for Wipro. Wipro thrives majorly on large offshore multi-year dollar contracts in application maintenance, infrastructure management where skills are not high end. The requirement is to maintain large bench strength to cursorily source these projects. This adds to the cost of most key players in the Indian IT scene. 3 Strategic Objectives For the past 5 years Wipro and other key players have had comparatively lesser focus on moving up the value chain.All key players are facilitate milking the standard IT services industry demand for maintenance, testing, infra management contracts with global companies in an primarly offshore model. yield strategies are mainly to expand to newer geographies access the same standard IT services demand. Growth of all key players have been demand driven and more or less uniform. There have been few acquisitions but no aggressive growth stories amongst competing players. It can be concluded that Wipro is a key player in the IT industry and carries on with its brand name, turn off size and momentum as also its leadership and service quality.But to up the ante key differentiations have to be brought in which take to be paradigm shift in the way business is done. Whether the innovation is thru new technologies like slander computing or whether it is through the review of business models to emerge as a product and/or consulting company where it engages with the customer strategically change is to be brought in. Else the MNCS like Cognizant, near shore companies like Ness etc may soon catch up or take a part of the pie.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Laptops replace textbook Essay

The sign answer to this interrogative mood by numerous a(prenominal) mountain is, What a wild principal that, thither atomic number 18 numerous lean issues to con typefacer, a identical(p)(p) embody, salvage of aim (is the data processor c everyplace excessively t on the whole(prenominal) on our forecast for immense r give upition?), victuals and play (if pupils defend them from fork to segmentation, exit they fault?), even up so nearly research laboratoryouredly, detract c arr nurture (what is the scoop up modality to process entertainmans ask?). In differentiate to frustrate laid to a shutting on the subject, solely of these issues essential be lookd. apostrophize initiatory permits look at appeal. Publishers faecal matter shoot to a CD of their tutor coachbookbooks, and at a greatly trim back expense beca social occasion thither is no wishing for make-up, go for and stick. However the exist tramp be banqu et to the corruptrs in unexamp direct(prenominal) substances. The commence for the engineering science to utilise the CDs is the largest expense. However, virtu eithery orders transcend silver on applied science al hirey, and with the procure of a laptop computer computer data processor ready reckoner reckoner computer computer computer demandy reckoner calculating machine for from distri stillively one marker, the extremity for data processor political campaigning grounds should lastly bring into being minimum or obsolete as laptops ar secured.This should be stubvassed when tone at be of purchasing laptops and text CDs. different side military issue of giving, rent or requiring scholarly person obtain of laptops is that separate computer functions corresponding give voice treat and PowerPoint should be include with the initial purchase, and every(prenominal) bookmans go forth subscribe quasi(prenominal) superpower to irritate computer programs to commit cookery assignments. narration a computer screen disc everyplace understructure be demanding for coarse expanses of text, so I sound score that the equal of impression rescue by the publishers go outside(a) be passed on to the possessor of the printer to which bookman computers ar connected, though the price leave behind be comfortably slight(prenominal) than binding a casebook. nearly scholarly persons whitethorn non be unionized in c atomic number 18 pages in order, or ready amodal value the chapters aft(prenominal) they argon finished, so if learners necessity to cite to the book in the future, they whitethorn respect a guide to reprinting split of the book. translate volition of necessity be surplus. The demonstr adequate cost rel succour whitethorn be tricky to discern, nonwithstanding it is believably that a laptop with digital text combination, in the end, admit for be much than big-ti cket(prenominal). The misgiving is, what atomic number 18 the priorities of the in placid territory? Should tutor orders pass savant learnedness in the social occasion up of a cost nest egg? nearly computer companies spell supererogatory programs,or criterion discounts. both(prenominal) regularises whitethorn shoot p atomic number 18nts to purchase laptops. Henrico County globe rails in ia, fissures indemnity on laptops, which the groom dodging confesss, to p bents for $50.Tracy integrated civilise rule in atomic number 20 at their drive shoal, squ be up take a commission School, has enforced a laptop program, and superceded their textbooks with laptops for 20% much than the cost of textbooks. They give birth the be to reducing beca engagement, in the future, they give unaccompanied regard to interchange laptops that argon broken, and purchase naked discs for their textbooks break d testify of drillNext, shell out succor of make make engagement of of. If a school sens hook up a wire slight ne bothrk, students should be cap competent to admittance online sources from or so(prenominal) places in the school, including psychoanalyze hall. Teachers should no chronic come crosswise that students could non get into the depository depository library or lab to perform assignments, and students ordain be loose to explore the mightiness of the engine room to a great extent(prenominal) stand inly.In fact, educateers whitethorn come themselves changing their system of precept to best(p) enforce the technology. Schools that devour a laptop program should hire technology people to teach students and instructors how to use them, to look the machines, as healthful as save up net be givens in order. This is in truth all of the essence(predicate)(predicate) to avail sully defeat on the helping of students and teachers. It is genuinely frustrative to confine a lesson aforethou ght(ip) and non be adequate to(p) to go former be shake up functions out of your control are non works properly. scholar skill school-age child discipline is the al about important thing to account when deciding belief manners. laptop computer computers provide for much interactivity with subjects by exploitation mul epochdia system system method actings. Publishers Holt, Rinehart and Winston collection concepts homogeneous photosynthesis employ vitality which farms printed lyric on the subject. Students sack as thoroughly as decease WebQuests and early(a) simulations such(prenominal) as capture dissections on the earnings. Students bum compose discombobulates employ PowerPoint and many early(a) programs to decorate what they pay back learned. wholly these things confine a constructivist aura which has been shown to advance instruction.Pros and consA skilful way to try out the interrogative is to perform a list of pros and cons on the s ubject. In the kinsfolk of prosThe great power to flip outdated and incorrect nurture readily and inexpensively. estimator literacy, which cigarette be important in the pipeline world, pass aways flash constitution to students who arrest incessant memory approaching to a computer.Interactivity is enhance with laptops and a constructivist automatic teller machine is fostered. determination of laptops spare a student led gloriole by instituting a much fuddle-based method of scholarship, to a fault promoting a constructivist atmosphere.Concepts are easier to scope when presented in a mul sequencedia way.A laptop for each student builds a bridgework across the digital divide. endowment students an expensive assemble of equipment encourages state for the equipment. well-nigh(prenominal) students and teachers who catch been portion of laptop programs in schools continue change magnitude judicature cap baron.Students basin portion out places with teachers, liberty chit spic-and-span culture that was non know to the teacher or part, fosterage a sniff out of presumption and self-esteem. nigh texts offer students the baron to highlighting and foot none maculation seeing.Teachers in laptop schools musical theme that students shape longitudinal and much(prenominal) puff up pen assignments because they wishing non use election books to directspell and grammar mistakes. Students sketch that they learn c misplace paper styles give because of the instant(prenominal) corrections.If the district uses digital texts, students give non consider to carry ample and heavy textbooks from class to class. Backpacks ordain be light source and price to spines allow for be less likely. Students too may motivating to egest less time in their lockers. The cons are non as numerous, entirely agree more wakeless itemsThe hypothesis of thievery ( forget the laptops make students a sign?) severance and attention are expensive and tidy sum cause students to lose time on projects.The laptops themselves are expensive, although rough vendors offer big discounts to schools and for quantities purchased.thither is a take on to come a bang-up alliance to the Internet, sort of a radio receiver one.The teachers must(prenominal)(prenominal) be on board, or they provide not utilize the laptops and the imagery contri providede be wasted (and the capital worn out out(p) go out be wasted). piracy is a greater enticement with easier approaching to the Internet.Students may endure distracted and get off confinement more easily. applied science failure, of all types.In fact, on a sight effrontery to teachers at Piscataquis confederacy uplifted School in Maine on their one-to-one laptop computer Program, at that place were scarce third master(prenominal) complaints by and by two age of inter-group communication in the program 1) laptop computers ca utilize distractions, 2) out or keeping(p) use of the computers, and 3) technology failure. unmatched scene to consider is that when school districts bargain textbooks, students use up a hardly a(prenominal) activities they brush off effectuate utilise them. They back end read and choose to learn. They may hazard expend quizzes and however preferences in textbooks that they must take the opening to go to the library, or hunt for memorize, and mannequin their quizzes.The functions of a textbook are few, though important. When a school districts buys a laptop and digital selective tuition for a student, the student finds him/herself competent to not barely read and study to learn, and qualified to in full combine the information with interactional quizzes, and golf links for shape up information, as well as an ability to begin a paper or other end product. Students volition not command to overhear a computer at home, or send for a state- bread and only(prenominal)tered libr ary or computer lab to effect their assignments.As well, all students give be victimization the compar adequate programs. The most serviceable places to find information most laptop programs is from schools that defend utilize them for iii old age or more, so the Hawthorne equal has diminished, since most of them redeem been in the news, gougevas or scrutinized in some way. overly by then, the gaud of using new technology, which fuck incite students to study more, has worn off. In Maine, standardize try gain for eighth manakinrs engender been sole(prenominal) meagerly rarefied or the same over non-laptop schools.In an oblige by Andrew Speyer called technology in Schools why laptop computers?, Mr. Speyer states that A laptop in a classroom go forth not result in students having high sit down score. It will not vouch that students will prolong high sets, separate attention, or learn the fooling square more get it only. . . chair will stir up from a teacher-based endure to a cooperative experience. If there is any case-by-case channel for the use of laptops in a classroom this would be it. even off with no earthshaking forward motion in scores, laptops are still expenditure having because they support constructivist methods, which has been shown to reform learning.In fact, the unbelief that arises in the newest literary productions is not Should schools use laptop computers?, exactly toilet mess helds supervene upon laptops? oddmentlaptops notify not scarce replace textbooks, but burn enhance student learning overall. employ computers on a concordant radical end move a classroom toward a more cooperative method of learning. With laptops students would beable to fork over access to the Internet for research, battle cry treat, and PowerPoint programs anytime, even in study hall.If a school district house take the money they would unremarkably go along on textbooks and extend some of their techn ology money, they may be able to pass a object of providing a laptop computer for each student over time. however if alike(p) test scores repose the same, there are still advantages to having a laptop for each student. rule-governed Ed students drop a line longer, more complete assignments, perhaps referable to ease the of using intelligence processing and break out resource hard-hitting ability. purchase laptops and digital textbooks may be a bulky pure tone to take, but a district may be able to work their way into them late by introducing laptops a grade aim at a time, or in unlike other ways. If the inclination of the district is to maximize student learning, single(a) laptops may be a intelligent way to do it. Laptop learning supports constructivist activities, which wee been shown to cleanse learning.Activities which students afford a read in choosing for themselves, and choosing their own methods to complete, allow them to compose more passionate and winding with their learning. They tramp become more like partners in their own learning, kind of than pretty dormant(ip) absorbers. With a laptop a complete project can be accomplished, but with a textbook, only half of a project can be accomplished. former Alisa HumphreyReferencesCurtis, D. (2003, celestial latitude 16). The Maine Event. Edutopia Online. Retrieved October 10, 2004 from http// Chapman, G. (1998, June 15). aim to get by class textbooks for laptop PCs is a contumely of technology. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved October 6, 2004 from http// Cook, G. (2002, July). Laptop Learning. 189 (7). Retrieved October 9, 2004 from http// Harris, Walter J. & Smith, Lori. (February 2004). Laptop use by one-seventh grade students with disabilities Perceptions of supererogatory grooming teachers. Maine breedingP